June 08, 2008


So in case you haven't heard yet, Sarah and I got married on Memorial Day! It was a wonderful weekend. We just got back a few days ago from our honeymoon! We were gone about 10 days and traveled through Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. It was an incredible trip! We stayed in some beautiful places, had tons great food and saw lots of cool birds (more on those later). Here are some pics...

Here we are at The Lang House B&B in Burlington, VTEvening on Lake ChamplainTwo of my favorite places to eat:
1) The Skinny Pancake - crepes for all walks of life2) Papa Franks - chronically addictive garlic breadWe spent a (long) day hiking in the White Mountains, NHHere we are at the eastern most point in the continental United States: West Quoddy Head State Park near Lubec, MESpent another day hiking along The Bold Coast just north of Cutler, METhe tide was roughly 18 ft and rose 5 ft per hour!On our way home we camped for a night on Hermit Island near Bath, MEMy beautiful wife showing off her prodigious pancake-making skills
Married life is pretty sweet...