May 16, 2008

Mid-May Recap

So I just wanted to give you all a quick update on things here. Last weekend GBT played at the Lake Eden Arts Festival in Black Mountain, NC. It was amazing. So much great music: Habib Koite and Corey Harris were highlights for us but really the whole festival was wonderful. Not to mention the swimming! Anyway, we got back on Monday night and since then we've been, you guessed it, busy with wedding details. But we're coming pretty good. Picked up my suit yesterday. Favors are almost done. We're mostly on schedule. Still haven't started in on the programs yet but we'll get there. Tomorrow, Jay McGowan and I will be doing Birdathon again. I'm really looking forward to it. Not sure how competitive we can be since I haven't been able to scout at all. But our route has served us relatively well in the past so as long as we can stay awake we should be okay. Last night Sarah and I went with some friends to see the midnight showing of Prince Caspian. First off, I don't really remember very much of the book so my opinion isn't terriblely valid. But I really enjoyed it for the most part. Fun movie, good story, decent acting. And those cougar/eagle things are awesome (Sarah tells me they're griffins). So that's what's up. I'll try and post again next week with Birdathon results. I'm afraid we're going to get pretty wet...